Friday 19 November 2010


Music Magazine Questionnaire

1. Are you male or female?

    • Male
    • Female

2. What Masthead do you prefer?

    • Clyro
    • Sync
    • The Age of The Understatement
    • Maximo

3. Which slogan do you like for the magazine?

    • Read it, Review it, Do it!
    • All your musical needs
    • Pulsating Information/News
    • Everything you want, right here!

4. What Genre would you prefer to be covered in the magazine?

    • Rock
    • Indie
    • Drum and Bass
    • Alternative
    • Other__________

5. What type of information would you want to know about?

    • News
    • Gigs and Festivals
    • Bands
    • Other________

6. How much would you be willing to pay?

    • £1.50
    • £2.00
    • £2.49
    • £2.79

7. What colour scheme would you want the front cover to be?

    • Blue/White
    • Red/Black
    • Yellow/Blue
    • Black/White
    • Other__________

 8. What would you like the main image to be?

    • Picture of a band
    • Gig/Festival
    • Picture of one person
    • Instruments
    • Other________

9.      How often do you buy a magazine?

·        Every week
·        Every 2 weeks
·        Now and again
·        Every month
·        Rarely

10.  How old are you?

·        15/17
·        17/21
·        21/25
·        25/30
·        30 and over

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