Thursday 7 October 2010


Media Studies Questionnaire

I have created this questionnaire for the school magazine so I know a rough idea of what they would like in the magazine and what they would want the front cover to look like.

1.         What are your interests in school from the following answers?
·          Studying
·          Social Time
·          Lessons
·          Trips

2.  What hobbies or sports do you enjoy?
·          Football
·          Rugby
·          Netball
·          Other… please state__________

3. For the magazine what would you like the content to be about?
·          School success
·          Sport
·          Universities
·          Calendar, Term dates and useful information

4. What price would you pay for the magazine?
·          50p
·          80p
·          £1
·          £1.50

5. What colour scheme would you prefer for the magazine (Masthead)?
·          Blue
·          Orange
·          Red
·          Yellow

6. What Images should be on the front cover?
·          The school site
·          Sports
·          Students
·          Teachers

7. Name of the magazine?
·          King Henry Weekly
·          The 8th Issue
·          King Henry’s Magazine
·          Student Life
·          Other__________

8. When should the magazine be available?
·          Weekly
·          Every 2 weeks
·          Monthly
·          Every term

9. How many pages do you think would appropriate?
·          10
·          20
·          30
·          40

 10. What free item would you like with the magazine?
·          Stationary
·          Free Music Download
·          Vouchers
·          Other… Please state__________